stay connected

We are not alone. We are invited to walk together as friends. The gift of friendship is among the greatest of gifts.

Don’t walk alone. You were made for family and for friendship. Find community wherever you are and in whatever season of life you find yourself. We are all part of the body of Christ. Find your place in a local gathering of believers where you can grow in friendship and fellowship.

We invite you to reach out to us and to others in this community. It is our dearest desire to be an encouragement and a help to you in your walk with Jesus. Whether you need prayer, have questions, or even want to discuss how to connect with us, we are excited to hear from you. Use this form to contact us directly and we will contact you back.

Contact Us

Pictured above are the board members of Sons and Daughters International:
Pete and Mary Kay Blum, Danny and Carrie Kittinger, and Roger and Patty Gerstenberger.